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Our Services

Pegboard brings brands closer to their audiences, offering insights, community engagement, and cultural relevance. We blend consultation and creativity to provide you with a distinctive edge.
Pegboard’s mission is to offer a comprehensive blend of data and design. Our commitment to data entails in-depth consumer research, empowering brands with the insights necessary for informed decision-making in their marketing strategies. Simultaneously, our focus on design encompasses the development of brand identities and design elements that consumers genuinely associate with. We believe that this fusion of data and design is essential for effective branding and establishing enduring connections with your target audience.

Market Entry

Market Entry

We believe market entry is an art that demands precision and an unwavering commitment to understanding what resonates with your audience. It cannot be limited to just desk research.

Consumer Segmentation

Consumer Segmentation

In our experience, consumer segmentation is the key to understanding and catering to the diverse needs and preferences of our client's audience, enabling effective, personalized strategies that drive success. It helps you PRIORITISE.

Usage & Attitude Study

Usage & Attitude Study

Category Understanding is paramount. A focused study around the category can help in bridging the gap between functional and emotionally resonant offerings and empowering informed decision-making.

Category Deep Dive

Category Deep Dive

Category Understanding is paramount. A focused study around the category can help in bridging the gap between functional and emotionally resonant offerings and empowering informed decision-making.

Brand Positioning

Brand Positioning

With our extensive experience in Brand Positioning Research, we firmly believe that it is the compass guiding brands to discover their unique market niche, emphasizing the importance of being distinct in a way that resonates with consumers, ultimately leading to a meaningful and emotionally connected brand presence.

Concept Testing

Concept Testing

Concept Testing Research refines and optimizes innovative concepts by aligning them with consumer expectations, ensuring market success and innovation. It can be an idea, a mockup, PoC. May the most impact full concept win!

Exploratory Research

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is a crucial phase that guides the quest for insights in uncharted territory with limited prior information and perhaps, the most innovative tool for brand growth. It can be a tool at any stage of your product or marketing roadmap.

Brand Design

Brand Design

A well-crafted design has the potential to evoke nostalgia, inspire wonder, and leave an everlasting impression on the tapestry of memories.

Pack Design

Pack Design

If your brand were a movie, the pack is your main character. What does he/she stand for?



We recognize the myriad motivations that may prompt a desire for rebranding. Our comprehensive approach to both creation and insights begins with a deep exploration of the underlying reasons.

Content Research

Content Research

We believe that directly engaging with consumers to evaluate content preferences and tailoring material to their specific desires is crucial for OTT platforms, TV networks, and content creators in the digital age, ensuring the creation of engaging and impactful content that has lasting impact on audience.

Brand Content Management

Brand Content Management

As a team that understands how consumers view and purchase products, for us the Brand’s content needs to revolve around crafting authentic and consumer-centric experiences.

Brand Capital Videos

Brand Capital Videos

In the pursuit of a triumphant brand marketing campaign, our journey commences with meticulous research aimed at gaining a profound understanding of your audience.

Community Content Management

Community Content Management

We believe in creating spaces where members feel valued, supported, and understood.

Culture Strategy

Culture Strategy

We create educational content that emphasizes the significance of embracing culture in both professional and personal lives.

Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership

Pegboard's thought leadership philosophy is to consistently develop future-forward insight reports. We want to provide innovative and influential content and expertise to contribute to cultural growth. We consistently curate original literature independently and as co-partnerships with our clients. To inspire, educate, and guide a variety of communities.

Reach Out

Regus, A Wing
Andheri 400059
Mumbai, India